Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I couldn't update my blog yet cuz i'm too busy with my practical and this thursday i will be alone and got no off day onwards. That sucks man, this is really exhausting. Plus, all the works will be on me. Damm, one mistake, i'll get scold,huhuhu.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

I can't Keep My Head From Thinking Of You..Avatar..

This is my synopsis for avatar, i know i have already wrote in malay. But, as the topic above, i can't get it out from my head..

AVATAR takes us to a spectacular world beyond imagination, where a reluctant hero embarks on an epic adventure, ultimately fighting to save the alien world he has learned to call home. James Cameron, the Oscar-winning director of "Titanic," first conceived the film 15 years ago, when the means to realize his vision did not yet exist. Now, after four years of production, AVATAR, a live action film with a new generation of special effects, delivers a fully immersive cinematic experience of a new kind, where the revolutionary technology invented to make the film, disappears into the emotion of the characters and the sweep of the story.

We enter the alien world through the eyes of Jake Sully, a former Marine confined to a wheelchair. But despite his broken body, Jake is still a warrior at heart. He is recruited to travel light years to the human outpost on Pandora, where corporations are mining a rare mineral that is the key to solving Earth's energy crisis. Because the atmosphere of Pandora is toxic, they have created the Avatar Program, in which human "drivers" have their consciousness linked to an avatar, a remotely-controlled biological body that can survive in the lethal air. These avatars are genetically engineered hybrids of human DNA mixed with DNA from the natives of Pandora... the Na'vi.

Reborn in his avatar form, Jake can walk again. He is given a mission to infiltrate the Na'vi, who have become a major obstacle to mining the precious ore. But a beautiful Na'vi female, Neytiri, saves Jake's life, and this changes everything. Jake is taken in by her clan, and learns to become one of them, which involves many tests and adventures. As Jake's relationship with his reluctant teacher Neytiri deepens, he learns to respect the Na'vi way and finally takes his place among them. Soon he will face the ultimate test as he leads them in an epic battle that will decide nothing less than the fate of an entire world.


Time2 ada topik ne la mo update blog, x dpat upload lak image..adui...huhu..stress nya. Apa punya pc, ntah apa lak masalah dia ne. Bila click jak done, mo kena decode lagi, masalah brain betul lar..huu

Friday, December 18, 2009

Naik Bas Punya Pasal

Tadi, time mo balik rumah, aq nek bus sebab xmo kasi susah parents turun kk amik aq. Time mo naik bas tu, ramai la org mo turn kan..tp yg mo naik ne lagi byk dari org yg mo turun ne..skali turn aq mo naik, ada ppuan yg sudah bagi aq b'usia sudah lar...dia mo turun, aq langkah la mo bagi dia lalu, but org blakang pula makin lagi tolak aq p depan..aduina..skali pula t'block ppuan tu mo turun..nah...mungkin dia 'panas' sudah...direct dia cakap..
" orang belum habis turun lagi"<---nada tinggi dia cakap,suma la tgk aq terus...dlam hati sudah memaki ne...sudah la pasal dorg aq kena teriak...tgk aq semacam lagi..punya la teruk manusia gni...tp dalam hati lar..haha..namaw juga wat masalah kan..tengah2 bandar tu..hehe..hurm...pendek ceta la kan..kita ne manusia..kena juga b'tolak ansur kan..law kita ne binatang..tia pa juga...ne...ada otak tia mo fkir....bukan niat mo menyinggung mana2 pihak..tp sakit hati pula tu kan..??bukan aq sengaja tadi..

Macam budak ne la aq tadi, kecewa betul ngan sikap2 menusia tadi...huhuhu...kecewa+sakit hati lagi..masalah betul dorg tu...hahahha...so, kena pada siapa2 yg baca ne..sory2 la ya....ahaha.jmpa lagi..


Hurm, tadi kira mo p latihan di studio, tgk2..show tia kena ngan masa..kena time keja..cam mana tu.?hehe...hurm...kemarin baru tgk avatar...ne movie aq bagi rate 1000+% lagi..eheh...siok habis...1st aq tgk jam 2:10pm.dah habis tgk..malam tgk lagi jam 10:40pm...dua kali dalam satu hari tgk movie..ne tia puas laie ne..mo tgk lagi for the 3rd time ne..hehehe...bagi yg blum tgk tu...bagus p tgk owh..bagi aq..itu movie of the year la kali..2nd after transformer..hehe..napa sampai gtue skali..?ceta dia ne pasal jake sully..bekas anggota marin..tp dah lumpuh..disuruh ganti ngan sedara kembarnya, Tommy yg dah meningal tuk menjalan kan satu misi di Pandora, sebuah planet jauh dari bumi. Tugas Jake Sully di sana tu, tuk mengawal avatarnya..hehe..cun kan..?slalu kita dengar2 avatar di game jak..skarang manusia ble kontrol avatarnya sendiri..hehe..balik kepada cerita...avatarnya dibuat serupa dengan puak native di Pandora tu...yg lebih dikenali sebagai Na'vi...selepas beberapa lama bersama dengan puak Native Omaticaya di Pandora, Jake Sully sedar bahawa dia telah jatuh cinta dengan Neytiri, anak perempuan kepada Ketua puak Omaticaya.

Ok, gambar di atas ialah ketika Neytiri mengajar Jake Sully tuk memanah. Selepas tiga bulan, iaitu tempoh yg diberi kepada Jake tuk meyakin kan puak omaticaya pindah tamat...tentera menyerang hometree...di mana..ia satu pokok yg tersangat2 besar, dan ia jga tempa tinggal kepada puak omaticaya itu. Jake menerangkan hal sebenar dan dia di anggap sebagai pengkhianat sehinggala dia membawa seekor burung besar yg dinamakan Toruk. Ketika itu, suma puak Omaticaya sedang berdoa di depan Eywa, moyang mereka. Lepas dorg ne nampak jake menunggang Toruk, Jake Sully lantas di nobatkan sebagai Toruk Macto. Penunggang Toruk.

Cakap panjang pun teda guna..hehe..p lar tgk sndiri ah..hehe..besh..mo tunggu Dvd dia kluar lagi ne...hahaha..byk pengajaran kta ble dapat di dalam movie ne. Serius...byk kita ble dapat kalau kita hayati movie...hehe..k lar...sekian buat masa ne..adios..ciao...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Lama betul tia update blog ne tau. Tgk archive pun ble tau brapa bulan kena skip update blog ne. Hurm, pasal apa tiba2 mo update balik..?? Kebetulan hari tgk wayang, tp show dia jam 2.10pm, ada masa lagi tuk p cc on9. Plan asal cuma mo on9 facebook jak, tp tgk facebook pun sudah boring
Ingat pula blog ne yang lama tia kena update, so, here i am..sambil chat sambil dengar lagu two is better than one. Hihi..

Wayang apa mo tengok nanti..?? Avatar,..hehe..Law mo ceta panjang2 pun Avatar ne, teda apa-apa sy ble ceta cuz blum tgk g, nnt lar..sudah tgk baru sy ceta pasal movie tue..hehe..

Dalam masa 20 minit g mo tgk Avatar, hehe..tia sbar pula mo tgk. Cuz, tgk trailer dia mcm cun habis ceta dia..hehe..tp itu cuma trailer, mmg lar dorg amik yg cun punya part jak kan p buat trailer, whole storyline belum tau lagi..hehe...so, law mo tau tu, p lar tgk,..hehe...adios...